Hymn# 275 "Something Within"
Hymn #278 "More About Jesus"
Hymn #279 "Standing on the Promises of God"
Hymn #280 "I'm Happy With Jesus Alone"
Hymn #283 "Nearer, My God, to Thee"
Hymn #285 "Precious Memories"
Hymn #295 "I've Got Peace Like a River"
Hymn #296 "Wonderful Peace"
Hymn #301 "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart"
Hymn #309 "Higher Ground"
Hymn #310 "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say"
Hymn #317 "Footsteps of Jesus"
Hymn #319 "The Rock That is Higher Than I"
Hymn #321 "Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus"
Hymn #325 "We'll Understand it Better By and By"
Hymn #329 "I Am Thine O Lord"
Hymn #330 "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer"
100 Hymns of Praise
Hymn #443 "On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand"
Hymn #447 "In the Sweet By and By"
Hymn #450 "Hear Our Prayer, O Lord"
Hymn #454 "Father Lead Me Day by Day"
Hymn #472 "America the Beautiful"
Hymn #473 "The Star-Spangled Banner"
Hymn #474 "My Country, 'Tis of Thee"
Hymn #479 "God of Our Fathers"
Hymn #482 "Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New"
Hymn #488 "Let Us Break Bread Together"
Hymn #512 "We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder"
Hymn #514 "Jesus the Light of the World"
Hymn #523 "All Hail the Power (Diadem)"
Hymn #527 "Doxology"
Hymn #530 and 544 "The Lord Bless You
and Keep You" and "Sevenfold Amen"
Hymn #531 "The Lord is in His Holy Temple"
Hymn #538 "Glory Be to the Father"
Hymn #545 "May the Grace of Christ Our Savior"
Harts In Praise Productions does not own the copyright to sacred hymnal selections.
and the Joyful Harts Music Library
Lyrics Excerpt:
I will rejoice,
I will pray,
I will give thanks to the Master
Every day.
I will yield to the Holy Spirit ....
This is the will of God in Christ.
Hymn #333 "Sweet Hour of Prayer"
Hymn #338 "Take My Life and Let it Be"
Hymn #340 "What a Friend We Have in Jesus"
Hymn #342 "Thy Way, Oh Lord"
Hymn #346 "Close to Thee"
Hymn #353 "Take Time to Be Holy"
Hymn #356 "Just a Closer Walk With Thee"
Hymn #359 "Blest Be the Tie That Binds"
Hymn #361 "God Be With You"
Hymn #385 Onward Christian Soldiers"
Hymn #390 "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go"
Hymn #392 "Bringing in the Sheaves"
Hymn #394 "Stand Up for Jesus"
Hymn #406 "Rise Up O Men of God"
Hymn #407 "I Love to Tell the Story"
Hymn #411 "Lift Him Up
Hymn #421 "God Shall Wipe All the Tears Away"
Hymn #429 "When We All Get to Heaven"
Hymn #431 " Safe in the Arms of Jesus"
Hymn #438 "The Unclouded Day"
Hymn #442 "When the Roll is Called Up Yonder"
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