Ever Praise Music

and the Joyful Harts Music Library

Now Playing: "Lord, You Covered Me"

by the Joyful Harts Music Library

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YouTube is a great resource for inspirational music. 

Ever Praise Music has put together a collection of songs which will hopefully inspire you to do your own searches by topic, or by your own spiritual inspiration and reflection.

  • Lord You Covered Me Sample1:02

Harts In Praise Productions does not own the rights

to this Youtube music selection.

Youtube videos subject to change due to availability

on the platform.

In this selection, Bebe Winans is a guest soloist at the

West Angeles Church of God in Christ.

His brother,  Rev. Marvin Winans, is also there

for the occasion. Bebe's opening remarks before the solo

are an important part of the flavor of "going to church"

in the African American Experience.

The arrangement of a familiar hymn "Love Lifted Me" 

sung by Bebe is just a sampling of how we can

make a hymn our own.