Would you like to hear a song of inspiration? The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sings
"The Song of Moses."
The song is inspired by the text:
Revelation 15:1-4
Daily and Weekly Prayer and Faith Resources on Youtube and Loyola Press
Now Playing: "With Gratefulness We Bless Your Name" (Scroll down to pause audio player)
New! Quick Links...Hymns by Category
Enjoy Scripture and a Slice of Faith
with our 100 Hymns of Praise Collection
Celebration of God's Creation Hymns
Follow this link to the 3-Minute Retreat page...
A Special Presentation on YouTube
An Inspiring Story of Faith and Hope...
"Billy Graham: An Extraordinary Journey"
Ever Praise Music Recommends
"The 3-Minute Retreat" series by Loyola Press.
This is a Youtube presentation about how
the retreats have helped others...
Wednesday Bible Study
Third Baptist Church of Chicago
Powerful Insights into Bible texts
by the Pastor and Associate Ministers of TBCoC
Do you need a word of inspiration from the Lord? The Third Baptist Church of Chicago offers
a mid-week Bible Study with the pastor,
and associate pastors of the church.
You will be inspired.
Would you like to pray?
Here is a prayer to start your day from
Rev. Dr. Byron T. Brazier
of the Apostolic Church of God, Chicago.
Prayer is offered Monday through Friday.
Here is a prayer to start your day from
Pastor Joel Osteen.
Lakewood Church has a number
of online worship resources as well.
and the Joyful Harts Music Library