Vol 1-2

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Newsletter Provided by:

Ever Praise Music 
and The Joyful Harts Music Library
Harts In Praise Productions.

   After perusing a few articles we found out  that bundles are the way to get the right equipment configuration, that works for you, in pre-selected groups of compatible items.​

   The following is a short list of some of the most popular and affordable bundles of  home studio recording equipment.

​Presonus Home Studio Bundle

​Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Studio

Mackie Onyx Producer 2-2 Audio/Midi interface With Software Bundle

(copy and paste these titles in the browser,

and various retailers specs and links

will show in the search results)

   Making sure that the tools and software are compatible is a big part of the process. Buying, testing compatibility, and possibly returning items to stores or online sellers is tough. Starting with a bundle can eliminate some of the unnecessary steps to recording, mixing and enjoying your creative work. 

Look over the specs, possibly try these bundles out, and hopefully you will get the results you want in the process.

   Taking a little time off from the business

of the day and relaxing with a good blues show can be a cool and calm experience. ​

An exciting line-up of performances is a chance to take in lots of perspectives of

this genre we call the blues. Blu Monday

at Buddy Guy's Legends, taking place

on October 9th 2023, is just the type of

show you might want to sit back and enjoy. When there is a packed line-up, you get to

see the various configurations of musicians and instruments as well as the choice of equipment chosen by the different vocalists  and performers. The stage hands or the actual musicians and performers have a limited time to break down the stage and

set up for the next group. There are so many ways to put things together to get the right sound. 

   The same is true for home studio, live recording. There are any number of tools

and configurations of equipment that can

be used to create the desired sound. The purpose and genre of the recording are important considerations. Instrumentation

with the vocals you will use are usually next, and so on...




N e w s l e t t e r

Ever Praise Music

and the Joyful Harts Music Library