Ever Praise Music

and the Joyful Harts Music Library

  • Jesus Lover of My Soul #1123:13

John 3
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Worship Suggestion:
The Sound File is Looped.
1. As the song plays the first time (During Verse 1), make remarks about how Jesus came into the world to sacrifice His life for the remission of sin. Emphasize that God gave His Son to us,

and in turn Jesus gave His life for us. Because of these gifts we have eternal life. These gifts bear fruit on the journey by way

of the love we have for others and the love we express in the service of others.
2. During Verses 2 - 3 of the song, read the scripture found in the book of John 3:16 and I John 4:1-11.   Let the song end.
3. When the song restarts, sing Verses 1-3 together.
4. Prayer and Meditation.

Thou, O Christ, art all I want, 
more than all in thee I find; 
raise the fallen, cheer the faint, 
heal the sick, and lead the blind. 
Just and holy is thy name, 
I am all unrighteousness; 
false and full of sin I am; 
thou art full of truth and grace.​​

Jesus, Lover of My Soul

Jesus, lover of my soul, 
let me to thy bosom fly, 
while the nearer waters roll, 
while the tempest still is high. 
Hide me, O my Savior, hide, 
till the storm of life is past; 
safe into the haven guide; 
O receive my soul at last. 

Other refuge have I none, 
hangs my helpless soul on thee; 
leave, ah! leave me not alone, 
still support and comfort me. 
All my trust on thee is stayed, 
all my help from thee I bring; 
cover my defenseless head 
with the shadow of thy wing.