Ever Praise Music

and the Joyful Harts Music Library

Celebrate the 2023 Holiday Season with Music!

BYU Christmas Holiday Music Festival Link 

Scroll down for news of upcoming 2024 events...

Also, Coming in 2024 at Baylor University 

"The Alleluia Conference"

Click this link to visit the Baylor Website>>>

Ever Praise Music

Hymn Community News 

Click the images below to visit these hymn community news websites or read the news articles.

Scroll down for past events and upcoming events...

Community members brought together through hymns
Nov 4, 2022 

Click this link to read the article...

Are you interested in planning and organizing a hymn festival?

Click the following links for informational resources...

1. Hymn Society Downloadable  Article

2. The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship Hymn Festival Guide 

3. Worship Training Website Article on Planning Hymn Festivals